tisdag 7 oktober 2014

Veckan hos MovieZine

Grymt nyfiken på BBC-serien Happy Valley som SVT börjar visa på måndag.
Allt är lite förskjutet och försenat den här veckan. Don't know why. Hösttröttheten kanske. Hur som. Här är förra veckans tv-grejer för MovieZine skrivna av undertecknad.

Ps. Om ni undrar vad jag tycker om att Twin Peaks ska återuppstå så är mitt svar: jag GLÄDS över att Mark Frost och David Lynch bägge är ombord och att sistnämnde ska regissera alla nio nya avsnitt. Jag RÄDS för att det ska kännas sunkigt och urvattnat och bara sentimentalt. Särskilt med alla gamla namn som tydligen ska reprisera sina roller. Men jag vill VÄLDIGT gärna tro att det bli bra. Och jag väljer hellre att se glaset som halvfullt än halvtomt i det här läget.

Vecka 40:
SVT satsar på fler utländska dramaserier framöver
"Star Wars Rebels" redan förnyad
Han blir Two-Face i "Gotham"
Smygtitt på "Constantine"
"American Horror Storys" nya intro kommer ge dig mardrömmar
Därför ska du se nya TV-serien "Transparent"
"Gotham" leder piratligan
"Big" blir TV-serie
8 chockförvandlingar i "Game of Thrones"

2 kommentarer:

Jessi sa...

Jag har sett Happy Valley på Netflix, riktigt bra!! Sarah Lancaster är så bra i huvudrollen och hennes syster spelas av hon som gjorde O'Brien i Downton Abbey. Något annorlunda roll för henne här...

Unknown sa...

One cannot deny the direction mainstream Hollywood "horror" films are going in, not a direction of true horror, but one of teen screams and cheap scares. And even though PG-13 Hollywood horror has created some gems like The Conjuring, for the most part they have disappointed this horror veteran. This film was no different, it just plain old wasn't scary, or thrilling, or suspenseful. To be fair I liked some the kills but other than that I could not find anything redeeming. happy death day online Its another sad attempt by Hollywood at horror, it just isn't scary. Like many other mainstream horror films, I found myself being bored, waiting for the next scare/kill, only to be disappointed by it. But I suppose if you are a 14 year old girl, like the majority of the theater was, then I suppose it might scare you, but for a man who has been a horror nerd since childhood, this just didn't do it at all for me, I was truly disappointed. the devil's candy release date

The acting was just so generic it ruined many aspects of the film. Not only did I not relate with these characters, I didn't care if they died or not, which can be an essential aspect of such a horror film as this. Also in the tense moments of suspense, their acting wasn't convincing enough to make the scene actually suspenseful. watch Avengers Infinity War online free hd And another thing I just cant stand is that stupid CGI face-morphing that goes on. Not just in this movie, but in all movies, where the face screams but its mouth is CGI'ed to make it look bigger. Ugh it just sooooooo takes me out of the scare and honestly makes me laugh in embarrassment for whoever thought it looked good. As a horror veteran, these films make me sad, If you are an easily frightened child, go see it, but if you are a horror veteran like myself, this will only disgust you.